Prior to the exhibition, there was an announcement …
Painting took place in The School of Art – in preparation for the exhibition?
Downstairs, in the main exhibition space, the triptych was presented on the far wall, in the right hand area of Gallery 1
Information was presented on the left hand side of the exhibit, to allow the large board to have the longest available viewing distance. The website link address was added to indicate that this is a companion website. despite flaws in the exhibition wall surface, some shadow (the letters), was visible. The exhibition statement appears at the foot of this page.
Although difficult to photograph (the light conditions not being conducive to capturing reflective pigments), some of the images of the triptych appear below.
Closer inspection reveals traces, ready to be gathered …
Black and white photography became ever more appealing, as trace mark making was not distracted by reflected light.
Exhibition Statement:
‘Aberystwyth, Gathering Traces …Casglu Olion’
Time passes unmeasured whilst light and shadows roll across a melting physical landscape. Familiar shapes shift, flicker, conjoin or are warped away in a gesture. Only memories and questions remain.
This triptych forms part of a response to such observational experiences, explored through art practice processes.
Observe each part of the triptych in turn.
Sway gently and note how, as the light quality alters … what do you see?
What manner of worlds appear in your mind’s eye?
Do only you see these images?
You are warmly invited to visit the companion website, where methods, materials and related artworks, are available to view.
Datganiad yr Arddangosfa:
‘Aberystwyth, Gathering Traces …Casglu Olion’
Diflana amser gan fynd heibio yn ddifesur tra bod golau a chysgodion yn rholio ar draws tirwedd ffisegol, gan doddi a chrynu, siapiau cyfarwydd yn newid, yn uno, neu’n cael eu chwifio i ffwrdd mewn ystum . Dim ond atgofion a chwestiynau s’yn parhau .
Mae’r triptig yn ffurfio rhan o ymateb i brofiadau arsylwadol o’r fath, wedi eu archwilio drwy brosesau ymarfer celf.
Arsylwch pob rhan o’r triptig yn eu tro.
Siglwch yn ysgafn a nodwch sut, wrth i’r golau newid ansawdd … beth ydych chi’n ei weld?
Pa fodd o fyd sy’n ymddangos yn llygad eich dychymyg?
Ai dim ond eich llygaid chi sy’n gweld hyn?
Fe’ch gwahoddir yn gynnes i ymweld â gwefan cydymaith, mae dulliau, deunyddiau a gweithiau celf cysylltiedig yno i’w gweld.