Progression – Exhibition 1

*“To begin at the beginning …”

Initially, there had been no intention to draw or paint The View, merely to appreciate it’s interest and beauty.

                                       Looking, letting the world be,

                                       Seeing light, colour, shape, movement,


                                       Most importantly, letting it be.

Spending extended time observing and being mindful provided a wealth of remembered images, worthy of their recollection. The enticing natural events triggered the imagination.

The paintings, a triptych, represent the effects of sunlight moving across a familiar view, as observed on a bright, sunny, blustery day.

A great many photographs were taken of the view. Few were really satisfying in capturing the theatricality of the light shows (especially those during high summer), as events were momentary. Initially photographs were taken with an phone camera, for speed. The following were taken with a digital camera, during the Spring, when the effects were much more small scale and subtle, but still apparent.

Greens on the hill and the playing fields

Greens on the hill and the playing fields

Greens move over the hills and playing fileds

Greens move over the hills and playing fileds

Greens move upwards from the valley floor to the hills

Greens move upwards from the valley floor to the hills

Greens slip through low clouds to gild a hilltop

Greens slip through low clouds to gild a hilltop

Watery greens and very low clouds

Watery greens and very low clouds

Distant hills picked out by the effects of sunlight, whilst a sea mist rolls inn along the valley

Distant hills picked out by the effects of sunlight, whilst a sea mist rolls inn along the valley

Greens seeping in as Spring sunshine breaks through low cloud

Greens seeping in as Spring sunshine breaks through low cloud





* Dylan Thomas, Under Milk Wood